Saltwater Fishing

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swordfish underwater

Can You Eat Swordfish?

Some people avoid eating swordfish because it’s said to contain higher levels of mercury as opposed to other types of fish, so can you eat swordfish? Despite these fears, you’re still likely to spot this...

closeup of kingfish face

Can You Eat Kingfish?

Kingfish, a type of mackerel, are plentiful along the coast of Florida and other southern states. It is a game fish that really gets anglers excited when they have one on their hook. They can grow to be almost six feet...

giant trevally swimming

Can You Eat Giant Trevally?

Giant trevally fish are considered the bullies of the ocean, and when you catch one, you’ll know it. They regularly weigh in at 50 pounds or more and prize catches will reach 150 pounds! A fish this size surely...

close up of a remora fish swimming

Are Remora Fish Good to Eat?

Remora fish are more commonly known as suckerfish or hitchhiker fish because they are often found attached to sharks or other large fish. They hold onto a host animal and are transported from place to place this way...

saltwater catfish on a fishing line

Can You Eat Saltwater Catfish?

Catfish are fascinating creatures that have caught the attention of pet owners, fishermen, and individuals the world over. Some even enjoy the occasional sea-faring meal with this fish as the star attraction. This begs...

nassau grouper swimming in the ocean

Is it Okay to Eat Grouper?

Is Grouper Edible? Yes, you can eat grouper. Because it’s so mild, it’s the perfect fish to pair with a marinade or flavorful sauce, making it a popular choice of chefs to place on their restaurant menus...

rockfish swimming

Can You Eat Rockfish?

Rockfish is a collective term used to describe several types of fish. There are many types of rockfish, all named differently depending on their origin. However, the title rockfish seems universal. These types of fish...

a bonefish is swimming in the grass flats

Best Bait for Bonefish Fishing

The bonefish is a long, slender fish that’s native primarily to coasts, river mouths, and deeper waters. Unlike many of the other fish that anglers like to hook and reel in, the bonefish is not one that you want to eat...

a wahoo caught with live bait

The Best Baits for Wahoo Fishing

The Wahoo is a sharp-toothed predatory pelagic fish that has proven to be a favorite of serious anglers. These powerful fish thrive in temperate waters around the Caribbean and the Gulf of Mexico, as well as the...

Red drum fish lying on a table and ready to fillet

Can You Eat Red Drum?

One of the most popular sport fish in the southern United States, red drums can grow to be nearly five feet in length and weigh up to 100 pounds. With a fish this size, you are probably wondering: can you eat red drum...

summer flounder

Is Flounder Good to Eat?

You hear a lot in the news about certain fish species you should stay away from, especially with fish farming in the US. So, many people wonder, is flounder good to eat? In reality, it depends on a lot of factors such...